Top 10k strings from Spectrum Computing - Issue 01 (1983)(ASP Software).tap
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13 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO TURN PAGE ": 11 ;" START THE TAPE " 9 ;" STOP THE TAPE " 6 ;" " 4 review 2 ;"SCORE ";sc 2 ;" START THE TAPE ": 2 ;" STILL LOADING - LET TAPE RUN " 2 ;" STOP TAPE - PRESS ANY KEY " 2 ;" PRESS A KEY TO TURN PAGE ": 1 zap 1 z;"Press q to quit or any to stay." 1 x,x;" The line seems to have moved down because the empty pixels atthe top are taller too! Press." 1 u,t;" " 1 u$(hh,vv)=" " 1 u$(h,v)=u$(hh,vv) 1 speech p 1 sound 1 sideset 1 side 1 s=s+(sc>100000 1 reviews f 1 react ^ 1 morse Z 1 life=life-1 1 life=life+1 1 large s 1 i.W#g1W j4b 1 cover 1 code 1 chess 5 1 c 1 biggys 1 Y=A(NUMBER,2 1 X=A(NUMBER,1 1 X$="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.,:;?1234567890" 1 TIME=TIME-1 1 TIME=D*100 1 RAN OUT OF TIME SECURED THE WRONG REACTOR CROSSED YOUR TRAIL x 1 NUMBER=NUMBER+1 1 GATE - press any key" 1 ESS ANY KEY TO TURN PAGE " 1 BCDFEDCBAAAAAAAA 1111111123465432 1 BBBBBBB22200222 1 ASP 1983 ": 1 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.,:;?1234567890 1 A$(A,I)=" " 1 A$(A,I)*F,40 1 ;"uehiItiahura0ny "; 1 ;"toa stia,llp d e"; 1 ;"t ilSatnitel9d T"; 1 ;"shhIgf dts p3t7 "; 1 ;"see r P hule, ,s"; 1 ;"s eindhepeaoiEs" 1 ;"rs,eher nshrtsK "; 1 ;"ro wr rlosip7 6i" 1 ;"p dop.adsy 1s3 "; 1 ;"itsstmoeoi G eOs"; 1 ;"fog e b dt 6rPi"; 1 ;"ett oIye na4a0s"; 1 ;"d re ": 1 ;"WHITE'S" 1 ;"Tamay Titanscr'c"; 1 ;"TIME LEFT = ";TIM;" " 1 ;"Rsseu ye a-s e"; 1 ;"PENETRATOR" 1 ;"Nw n uNs iied0e"; 1 ;"MORSE MANIPULATOR" 1 ;"LIVES "; 1 ;"Eyugo lhsg ie,t"; 1 ;"E eamoIathy dd2l" 1 ;"BbtwLswctogm3ab "; 1 ;"BLACK'S" 1 ;"BECAUSE YOU ";M$(MS) 1 ;"ANOTHER GAME ? (Y OR N)" 1 ;"A B C D E F G H" 1 ;" y s d" 1 ;" rrmayReacar a1e"; 1 ;" lnlTth s a.7 'h" 1 ;" fnh snn aph3e2t"; 1 ;" ZX-REACTOR " 1 ;" START THE TAPE " 1 ;" HIGH- ";hs 1 ;" Do you want the instructions ? "; 1 ;" ALIEN LANDED " 1 ;" A L I E N S "; 1 ;" A L I E N S " 1 ;" (Press y/n) " 1 ;" 'WELCOME TO SPECTRUM COMPUTING'" 1 ;" STILL LOADING - LET TAPE RUN ": 1 ;" Press any key to play again. Or ENTER To quit. " 1 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO BEGIN GAME " 1 ;" GAME OVER "; 1 ;" ENTER ""END"" TO STOP PLAY" 1 ;" YOU FAILED !!!" 1 ;" STOP TAPE - PRESS ANY KEY ": 1 ;" Press any key to continue. " 1 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO TURN PAGE " 1 ;" MAY/JUNE ISSUE 1 ;" The keys on the top row con-trol movement. Any key from '1' to '5' will move the cannon leftand any from '6' to '0' will move it right. Pressing any key on the bottom row will fire the laser with devastating effect." 1 ;" Press ENTER if you wish to SAVE the character sets or any other key to load the next pro- gram. " 1 ;" Alien invaders are trying toland in your sector, contrary togeneral orders and the wishes ofall right-thinking humanoids. ": 1 ;" "; 1 ;" CONGRATULATIONS !!!! " 1 ;" " 1 ;" Software Review ": 1 ;" Q TO QUIT " 1 ;" INVALID ": 1 9999999999999999999999999999999999999998888888888888888889999999(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 1 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888<<888888888888888888888888888888<<888 1 88888888888888888888888888888888 1 22222222222222 1 222222222222 1 22200222BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB22200222BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB22200222BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB22200222BBBBBB 1 2220022222222222444444442222222222200222222222244,,,,,,4422222222220022222222244,,,,,,,,442222222220 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 1L4v2L6p5J6n3Q4r7X:o9X<j8Y6g3Z9_5Y=[5X<_4aAe8^I]8\JZ4Y=e5V+ 1 131313 111111 33333 13333 11333 11133 11113 11111 31111 33111 33311 33331 333111313131 113311 13 3111 3131 311 1 1131 331 1111 11 1333 313 1311 33 31 333 1331 3313 131 111 3 113 1113 133 3113 3133 3311 G 1 00000000000000000000000000000000022222222222222222222222222222200222 1 /xs);" letters ";d$ 1 ,x,"SIZE",6 1 ,x,"FAT",e,4 1 ,"LEAN STREETS",e,10 1 ,"ISN'T",2 1 ," THE BOTTOM LINE " 1 *** SET UP CHESSMEN *** 1 *** PRINT BORDER *** 1 *** POKE UDG's *** 1 *** PAINT BOARD *** 1 *** MOVE PIECE *** 1 *** MAIN LOOP *** 1 *** GET INPUT *** 1 * PRINT PAGE TWO ON ITS SIDE, RIGHT SIDE FIRST * 1 * PRINT PAGE ONE UPSIDE DOWN * 1 * PAGE TWO LEFT SIDE * 1 * MOVE SETS TO END OF 48K MEMORY AND SAVE * 1 )="SECURED THE WRONG REACTOR": 1 )="RAN OUT OF TIME": 1 )="CROSSED YOUR TRAIL" 1 )="BCDFEDCB" 1 )="AAAAAAAA" 1 )="23465432" 1 )="11111111" 1 ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((***(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((***(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((******((*****(((((((((((((((((((*((***(((****(((((((((((((((((((*(((**((()))))))(((((((())((((((**((((((())))))(((((((((((((((((*(((((((())))))(((((((((((((((((**(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((())))))))))))(((((((((((((((((((())))))))))))(((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))(()))))))))))))))))))))))))))(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB%%% %%%CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC%%% %%%CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC%%% %%% 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 "ys= height of char.(max 24)? ";ys 1 "y= pixels from top,(max 190)? ";y 1 "xs= width of char. (max 32)? ";xs 1 "trol the bus at the same time. The cure was to add on an extra gate, which may be seen floatingabove the Z80 CPU in the form ofeither a diode and resistor or atransistor, and that is possiblythe nub of the matter. It may be" 1 "to move the desired set to the end of the memory. For the many readers with 48k Spectrums, 'RUNLINE 1000' will relocate all thesets and move the ramtop. The POKE numbers will change from 117, 120, and 123 to 245, 248, and 251 respectively and the " 1 "this feat via the cassette inputsocket. The speech quality isn'tup to that of the latest BritishLeyland accessory, but it is un-deniably a talking Spectrum. " 1 "thing. Luckily it had been pur- chased at the local W. H. Smithsrather than by mail order, and " 1 "then possible to load the tape to a different place in the mem-ory. This and other useful edit-ing facilities are catered for " 1 "that the diode/resistor combin- ation was not good enough. Thereis no way to know for sure with-out word from Sinclair, but our own faulty machine had the diodeand resistor, while the worthy replacement uses a transistor." 1 "t2s4Otr t,cmtarb": 1 "t,d1isooi t rhr ": 1 "stiff dose of machine code bang,zap and wallop before the guar- antee runs out. " 1 "sizes and shapes. We can't copy this routine in SPECTRUM COMPUT-ING for copyright reasons, but as you already have it on the PSION tape, that hardly matters.There is no reason we shouldn't show you how to use it. " 1 "says that 16K is all there is. 48K machines will load it higherup. So if you are listening on a16K Spectrum you will hear some-thing, but please make a large allowance for the fact that it is an abuse, and when used as intended the quality is much better. " 1 "sOt aiin ur ur ": 1 "sEr1.h etlmrna r": 1 "s0etiur este ok" 1 "s, uemlttntrh .": 1 "rummaging about in the screen memory, which naturally fuzzes the sound considerably. The alternative is worse, asthose among us who came to the Spectrum from Nascom or Triton will remember. On those machines" 1 "other computer magazines cannot reach." 1 "not allowed to enter the huge score from this mode in the highscore rank, of course. There is an editor feature tochange the battleground lands- capes and save your customised layouts on tape. You also get a demonstration run and a few un- disclosed features to find. " 1 "manoeuvres can be carried out bycombining moves. Moving an emptysquare to an occupied one will capture the pawn enpassant, and moving an empty square to an empty square will waste a move to allow the other player two moves for castling." 1 "l2t2lt,n eetith ": 1 "it is thanks to them for replac-ing it with the minimum of arm twisting that we managed to get this feature together in time." 1 "in SPEAKEASY. However, placing the digitised speech in the areabelow 32768, which is the top ofthe standard 16K memory, causes it to become much less legible." 1 "iPismw Tfttt es" 1 "i6d v gomanlee c": 1 "h' si slNecnh,te": 1 "fit. If the string is too long it will wrap around and garble. The routine will automatically centre the string, so if an off-centre message is wanted, then leading or trailing spaces must be incorporated." 1 "first you have to break the run-on-load protection. Obviously itcan be done, (how else could we have pinched the SCREEN$?) but we will leave it to you to work out how. We have taken enough liberties with Melbourne House for one issue, unless you would like to see another SCREEN$ be- fore we move on? " 1 "fighting console as you forge into the vastness, sort of. All the indicators have a function, nothing is mere decor." 1 "e3 5yh q son e " 1 "e1a3s sashu dat ": 1 "e e7 pday o wa " 1 "e - feuut o ye ": 1 "ds= message,max 32/xs="; 1 "character" 1 "c'a1 eyyu ati ": 1 "addresses given earlier will be increased by 32768. After the listing you will be able to SAVEthe character sets. Press a key." 1 "a modification called the 'snow-plow' was often fitted to deal with visual noise caused by the CPU accessing the VDU memory while output to the TV was in progress." 1 "TYPE FOR IMMEDIATE MORSE OUTPUT ": 1 "TO SQUARE NUMBER ";f$ 1 "T decutlIreigyld": 1 "Speech synthesis ""speech"" Sideways Look ""side"" Games Reviews ""reviews"" Chessboard ""chess"" " 1 "SPECTRUM COMPUTING MAY/JUNE 1983 1 "Press ENTER to continue.";x$ 1 "INVALID- TRY AGAIN ";f$: 1 "I would recommend is that you try your Spectrum out on a good" 1 "GAME OVER. PRESS ENTER TO QUIT";f$: 1 "FROM SQUARE NUMBER ";f$ 1 "ENTER MESSAGE ";D$ 1 "DIFFICULTY 1(hard) - 9(easy)";D 1 "Aliens ""zap"" Morse code ""morse"" Reactors ""react"" Writ Large ""large"" " 1 "48k Spectrum? ENTER y or n. ";a$ 1 "131313","","111111","","33333","13333","11333","11133","11113","11111","31111","33111","33311","33331","333111","313131","","","","113311","" 1 "13","3111","3131","311","1","1131","331","1111","11","1333","313","1311","33","31","333","1331","3313","131","111","3","113","1113","133","3113","3133","3311" 1 ".eunitnoc ot hsiw uoy nehw RETNE sserp esaelP .tsrif ta kool otstes erom owt evah ew ,revewoH " 1 " ynreoeiRapriaei": 1 " ta nigeb lla stes eht sa gnikop sdeen etyb tnacifingis tsom eht ylnO ).launam eht fo 371 egap ees( ,'SRAHC' elbairav metsys" 1 " baddyswPcSprwls" 1 " SPEED IN WORDS PER MINUTE? ";E 1 " K 3lsneslufinso": 1 " CURRENT SPEED ";E;" WORDS PER MIN." 1 " 7soosapn ifotns": 1 " 3i4boote o hrea": 1 " .'06,70632 EKOP' yb detceffe ebdluow tes reporp eht ot nruter A.'711,70632 EKOP' yb detceles si tes sihT .yradnuob k-retrauq a" 1 " sihT .stes retcarahc wen eerht evah won uoY .nigeb ll'I nehT ?ylbatrofmoc gnittis uoy erA " 1 " eht gnikop yb tes 'reporp' ehtmorf detrevid neeb sah noitnetta s'murtcepS ruoY .57903 ot 80203lamiced ta detacol si tes sihT " 1 " Width and height variables areexpressed as multiples of the standard character size. The line position is expressed as the number of pixels from the top of the screen. Now you have a go." 1 " WITH ";TIM;" TIME UNITS TO GO" 1 " Unfortunately this message will have disappeared by then, so maybe you should write down MERGE 'biggys' on a bit of nastyold fashioned paper first. " 1 " To use this utility in your own programs, you can SAVE the machine code without the BASIC by RUN 9010, but there is no wayto SAVE just the one line of theBASIC that we have been using, so I will list it for you to copy down on (ugh!) paper, if you still have a scrap of that outmoded material to hand. Pressa key." 1 " This program is primarily a graphics utility which displays a chess board and pieces and al-lows moves to be made. It does not play chess, nor does it dis-allow illegal moves. There are no special facilities for en- passant or castling, but these " 1 " The width variable xs and the d$ string, which holds the line to be printed, are interdepend- ant according to the formula LEN d$=32/xs or in ENGLISH, the wider the letter, the fewer will" 1 " The three sets take up just over 2k-bytes at the end of the 16k Spectrum's memory. There is no reason why you have to have all three on board at once, but I leave it to you to find a way " 1 " The program after this one on this tape is called 'biggys' andit will give you all the info, but first you will have to LOAD the 'character' program from thePSION tape, side b, and then MERGE 'biggys' on top of it. " 1 " The large characters are pro- duced by a machine code routine at address 32256, but you don't have to know that, because the details are taken care of by a GOSUB to LINE 9400, which I'll do right now. Press a key. " 1 " The introductory tape by PSIONwhich came with your Spectrum has on it a rather nice machine code routine for printing large letters on the screen in varying" 1 " The computer is trying to loadthe 'character' program at this moment, so dig it out and play it in. It will automatically load its machine code routines and then run, so you will have to use the BREAK key to stop it and then type in MERGE 'biggys' and play the next program on this tape." 1 " Promotion is not provided for either, but as pawns are not re-stricted to legal moves, you canpromote one if you can remember which it is. A proper game can therefore be played." 1 " PRESS T FOR MORSE TYPEWRITER ": 1 " PRESS R FOR REPEATING MESSAGE ": 1 " Most of the above load in morethan one block. Please watch forscreen prompts before stopping the tape. " 1 " It is a good idea to return tothe upright version before try- ing to list the program, so thatyou will be able to read it. " 1 " I hope you will bear this tinyawkwardness cheerfully in the good cause of us not being sued." 1 " Changing variable y alters theposition. Now I'll alter height with variable ys. Press a key. " 1 " As you can see, the routine has reprinted the line it was given last. What it prints and where, and the size and shape ofthe letters depends on the con- tents of four variables at the time that the routine is called.Press a key." 1 " ________________________": 1 " This game from Melbourne has five stages of varying terrains,strategies, and things to zap. It has the obligatory high scorefeature, and a training mode that allows you any number of ships at any stage, but you are" 1 " The program will load in two blocks. Please press a key to quit this section and load the speech. " 1 " That's it for this issue. Nowrewind and LIST all the programsto see what an ordinary magazinewould have given you! " 1 " I was going to give you a fewbars of 'Over the Rainbow', but it was ruled out on the grounds of public safety." 1 " YOU SECURED THE REACTORS" 1 " Timegate has the multi-sec- tor hyperspace of a Startrek type game, but with 3D arcade action. Our still snap on the next page doesn't do it justice,looking rather like a space go- ing clock radio, but in action the stars seem to flow past your" 1 " This is because the video output circuitry has priority over the CPU when accessing the screen memory, and to keep the component count down this prior-ity was allowed to extend to thewhole of the unexpanded RAM area. So the computer's output to the cassette port is contin- ually interrupted by the ULA " 1 " There is, however, a table of contents on the next page giving the file names of all thearticles, etc., so that you can load them individually if you wish." 1 " The sound in this game is special, both from an auditory viewpoint and the effect it has on some Spectrums. In fact it isworth the money as a diagnostic tape. If it crashes once runningthen best get your computer seento before the guarantee lapses. Timegate is from Quicksilva." 1 " The original problem was a glitch brought about when both the CPU and the ULA try to con- " 1 " The movement controls are Q,A,O and P, which fall to hand much better than the cursor keys sometimes used. The sound effects are well worth amplific-ation, and the movement is very" 1 " The marvellous thing about asinging horse is not that it sings well, but that it can singat all. To accomplish speech synthesis on a Spectrum with no additional hardware is a marvel of a similar order, and SPEAK- EASY from Quicksilva performs " 1 " The fault was not obvious atfirst, as the machine behaved perfectly when running BASIC. Itwas only when we got a batch of machine code games for review that it went wrong, and then on-ly when warm!" 1 " The easiest way to 'read' this magazine is to start at thebeginning and go through the 'pages' sequentially, following the on screen prompts. All of the articles, features and pro- grams are chained so that when you are through with one it willload the next automatically, in a manner similar to the intro- ductory tape which came with your Spectrum." 1 " The bad news? Well, one tinyquibble. There is a not very in-teresting bit of title graphics that it goes through between ev-ery game or change of mode. It can be got rid of by POKING zerointo 32828,32829,and 32830, but" 1 " Press any key to hear again,or press ENTER to load the next section. " 1 " Penetrator and Timegate (on next page,) both require 48k, but Horace has been squeezed in-to 16k, a minor miracle. 'HoraceGoes Skiing' is from PSION with Melbourne House." 1 " PRESS S TO CHANGE SPEED " 1 " PRESS G FOR RANDOM GROUPS ": 1 " On then to the pictures. Please note that there may be more than one lot of code loadedin one go, so please watch for ascreen prompt before you stop the tape." 1 " On the next few pages we aregoing to show you displays from a selection of games programs exactly as they would appear on your TV if you were running the actual game. Only SPECTRUM COM- PUTING is able to do this, be- cause it refreshes the ports " 1 " OR ANY OTHER KEY TO HOLD ": 1 " NO ONE IS AS SLOW AS THAT, PLEASE ENTER A REASONABLE SPEED.": 1 " Many thanks to Nick Lambert of Quicksilva for the above il- lumination. I had begun to sus- pect a wetware fault in my own rather battered processor." 1 " In the rather difficult pro-cess of capturing these picturesfrom well protected machine codeprograms we learned a great dealabout the Spectrum system. We found out that the editorial 48khandwarmer was faulty, for one " 1 " In fact, it only seemed to happen with tapes from Quick- silva at first. There is some- thing about John Hollis' great sound effects that puts a big demand on the Spectrum bus, an area where there have already been some teething problems." 1 " I must emphasise that this is speculation, that the diode/ resistor combo may well functionadequately, and that the fault we experienced may have been dueto something else entirely. What" 1 " I CAN'T HANDLE THAT EVEN IF YOU CAN, PLEASE TRY AGAIN.": 1 " Horaces graphics are superb,probably the best the Spectrum is capable of. Horace walks rea-listically and the traffic changes lanes and overtakes with mad abandon. There may not be any- thing to shoot in this game, butHorace sure gets knocked about." 1 " Fortunately the slimy off- worlders can't stand up to your mobile laser cannon with the newlinear zap intensifier, but look" 1 " Before we give you a sample,a word about an odd effect we encountered. Having input your bit of speech and got it digit- ised and stored on tape, it is" 1 " Before Horace can go skiing he has to cross the road, and getting knocked down wastes his skiing money on ambulance fees. When he's coped with the road, the display moves to the ski slopes." 1 " Because of this aspect of the Spectrum, SPEAKEASY was con-signed to the upper half of the 48K memory, where the CPU rules unchallenged. However, we still wanted to make a sample avail- " 1 " SOFTWARE REVIEW SECTION " 1 " PLAY AGAIN ? (Y OR N)" 1 " INVALID CHARACTER ": 1 " PRESS ENTER TO QUIT ": 1 " PRESS ENTER TO QUIT " 1 " .sretcarahc 69 fo tes drad-nats eht fo ypoc tcaxe na si ti yaw rehto yreve nI .nwod-edispusi ,deciton evah yam uoy sa ,eno" 1 " Speech Synthesis " 1 " PRESS ENTER TO QUIT ": 1 " RANDOM GROUPS ": 1 " CONTENTS " 1 " GOOD LUCK! " 1 Spectrums. In fact it i 1 N2V+!)K8P++.E8F26*A293=.?564A.>(52 1 ARGUS SPECIALIST PUBLICATIONS LIMITED- 145 CHARING CROSS ROAD,LONDON, WC2H 0EE TEL 01-437-1002 EDITOR IOLO DAVIDSON " 1 "fast and smooth as you would ex-pect from an all machine code program." 1 " J FOR LEFT L FOR RIGHT I FOR UP M FOR DOWN " 1 " YOUR TASK IS TO SHUT DOWN THE RUNAWAY REACTORS AND AVERT ADISASTER. TIME IS TICKING AWAY. " 1 " THE CONTROLS OF YOUR REMOTE ROBOT MANIPULATOR ARE -- " 1 " DUE TO THE COMPLEXITY OF THETECHNOLOGY INVOLVED, YOU MUST VISIT THE REACTORS IN NUMERICAL SEQUENCE, AND YOU MAY NOT CROSS YOUR OWN TRAIL." 1 "sharp. If more than two or threeget through, you've had it. De- stroy one of the mother ships toget a new lease on life, and ex-tra brownie points with the HighCommand." 1 "able to those readers who only have 16K, so we have arranged for the 7K of digitised speech to load into 16K if, and only ifa peek at the system variables"